8º Festival
09.11 – 15.11.19908th Fotoptica International Video Festival
- Healing 80
- 3 Antena: Desobstruindo os Canal Tudo!3 Antena, 1990
- Mental Images (L'Accés au Monde)A. Berton, Rolf Marken, 1988
- Fortalezas - Poder e SolidãoAbel Battiato
- Video FlashsAgnés Burnand, Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, Michel Jaffrennou, Patrick Bousquet, 1981
- PostAkihiro Lhiguchi, 1989
- ClepsidraAlberto Matran, Ramon Verdet, 1990
- Gatos PardosAlex Maciel
- The DolphinAmikan Shosberger
- BurguesiaAna Arantes, 1990
- Uñas Largas y Otras CortasAndré Marroquin
- Eu viAnna Muylaert, Marcia Carvalho, 1990
- Buffet FrioAntonio Cano, 1986
- EJE-CAntonio Cano, 1985
- En El UmbralAntonio Cano, 1988
- ET-APAAntonio Cano, 1984
- FecundaAntonio Cano, 1987
- In CondicionAntonio Cano, 1984
- Infinito 5Antonio Cano, 1984
- Palabras Para PAntonio Cano, 1984
- Cinco ou seis partes de um todo que juntas não formam nadaAntônio Queiroga, 1990
- Blue DreamArik Dor Davidovitch
- Sadum HusseinArik Dor Davidovitch
- Deus nasceu foi no BrasilArnaldo Galvão, Inacio Zatz, 1990
- The Missing PictureAsher Talim
- Ma Kara - What's Wrong?Avaraham Heffner
- Passe Pas SeulBettina Gruber, 1988
- El Circulo xeneticoBoy Olmi, Luis Maria Hermida, 1990
- Time SquaredBranda Miller, 1987
- A Colheita do diaboBrigitte Bagnol, Licínio Azevedo, 1990
- GeneroCRES, 1989
- ExtravertyCanal Plus
- Imagina 901990
- Les Anneés TV - TV Tovo Tivi Tu Veux?Catherine Derosier, Dominique Debaralle, Patrick Zanoli, Pierre Bongiovanni, 1990
- Electronik Kama SutraCathy Vogan, 1989
- The No Way Buster ProjectCathy Vogan, Dominik Barbier, 1989
- A CapellaCathy Wagner, Patrick de Geetere, 1988
- De Doute et de GrâceCathy Wagner, Patrick de Geetere, 1989
- I Wanna Be Your DogCathy Wagner, Patrick de Geetere, 1989
- Jim TrackingCentre Georges Pompidou, Michel Jaffrennou, 1986
- Vidéo CircusCentre Georges Pompidou, Michel Jaffrennou, 1984
- Ulysses au Pays Des MerveillesChannel Four Television, Ex Nihilo, Michel Jaffrennou, 1987
- FavelasChico Teixeira, 1989
- Easy LivingChip Lord , Mickey McGowan, The C.A.T. Fund, 1984
- Sandsplit to Dilto-Hippity Hoppity Home Sweet HomeChris Mullington, 1989
- Son of RomeoChris Willems, Richard Jasek, 1990
- MénagerieCécile Babiole, Ex Nihilo, 1988
- STYLODaniel Borenstein, Paul Coudsi, 1988
- Um Vídeo da lataDaniel Brazil, 1989
- Ganapati: A Spirit in the BushDaniel Reeves, 1986
- L'ImageDanièlle Nyst, Jacques Louis , 1987
- Granny's IsDavid Larcher, 1990
- Ultimo vueloDiego Lascano, 1990
- Diptyque D'Electronique NozatiDominik Barbier, 1985
- L'Oeuvre InquietanteDominik Barbier, 1987
- OrageDominik Barbier, 1984
- Storm and StressDoug Hall, 1986
- Não vou à África porque tenho plantãoEder Santos, 1990
- O Jogo da DívidaEduardo Coutinho, 1989
- Introduction to The End of an Argument: Speaking for One Self...Speaking for Others...Elias Suleiman, Jayce Salloum, 1990
- Procurando a CidadaniaElisa Rezende
- IV EdenEsteban Sapir, 1990
- Vídeo Retrato I, II, e IIIEusébio Morin, 1990
- L'Excision de La Pierre de FolieEve Ramboz, 1988
- Le Deuxième JourEx Nihilo, Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, Robert Cahen, The Kitchen, 1988
- Le Cirque ConferenceEx Nihilo, Marc Caro, 1990
- Magic TubeEx Nihilo, Michel Jaffrennou, 1987
- Sonata Para ArcadioFernando Timosi
- La Memoire du cielFrancisco Fábrega, 1990
- Death ValleyGavin Hodge, Jon Dovey, 1984
- Jumpin' Jacques SplashGeorge Kular, Isabelle Foucher, 1988
- Pinarcoteca de MedellinGeraldo Anhaia Mello, 1990
- El Jardin del amorGermán Bobe, 1990
- Brief EncounterGerrit Barendreacht, 1990
- NarrarteGoffredo Telles Neto, 1989
- La TirolesaGonzalo Pampin, Marcelo Iaccarino, 1989
- Invisible TelevisionGorilla Tapes, 1987
- Lo Pay, No WayGorilla Tapes, 1986
- Till Death to ApartheidGorilla Tapes, 1985
- ZygosisGorilla Tapes, 1990
- Mama era punkGuillermo Casanova, 1988
- Luck SmithGusztáv Hámos, 1987
- GaiaHajime Yamagishi, 1989
- Um Olhar sobre BarcelonaHelvécio Ratton, 1990
- Mechanic & AngelHiroshi Araki, 1990
- Hiroshima Through AushwitzHoni Hameagel
- More TV StoriesIlene Segalove , 1985
- Juste le TempsInstitut National de l'Audiovisuel, Robert Cahen, 1983
- Dokad Prowadzi ta DrogaJan Brzuszek, 1989
- Cosecha NegraJavier Vadillo, 1990
- Puissance de la ParoleJean-Luc Godard, 1989
- Double Lunar DogsJoan Jonas, The C.A.T. Fund, 1984
- New England Fishermen: SpotsJoan Logue, 1985
- The Gun is LoadedJoe Tripician, Merril Aldighieri, 1988
- Red DreamsJohn Lasseter, 1987
- Luxo JuniorJohn Lasseter, Pixar, 1986
- Tin ToyJohn Lasseter, Pixar, 1989
- República de CanudosJorge Alfredo Guimarães, Jorge Felippi, Paola Ribeiro, 1989
- Hommage a BreznievJosef Robakovski, 1988
- Suicidio del Arcángel San Gabriel José Ramon da Cruz, 1988
- Poesia é uma ou duas linhas e por trás uma imensa paisagemJoão Moreira Salles, 1990
- DianaJuan Carlos Gremata, 1988
- 100 Ans de JazzJérôme Lefdup, 1989
- Good FunJérôme Lefdup, 1990
- Happy Buzz Day MoonglyJérôme Lefdup, 1989
- La Tour EiffelJérôme Lefdup, 1989
- Randon JoeJérôme Lefdup, 1987
- Convictions ProfondesJérôme Lefdup, Les Maitrês du Monde, Véro Goyo, 1988
- Dans L'eau Comme en ToiJérôme Lefdup, Michel Rdye, 1988
- Séance D'Echauffement OculaireJérôme Lefdup, Michel Rdye, 1988
- Foto - RomanKen Kobland, 1990
- AzimutKlaus von Bruch , 1985
- RangitotoKo Nakajima, 1989
- Nasz Veton ArontKrzysztof Skarbek, 1989
- Knot ReelKurt Fleisher , Michael Kass , 1987
- What You Mean We?Laurie Anderson, 1986
- La MinaLorédana Bianconi, 1989
- Deus come-seLuiz Duva, 1990
- LongshotLynn Hershman Leeson, 1989
- Yoji, What's Wrong With You?Mako Idemitsu, 1987
- Boguslaw SchafferMalgorzara Potochka, 1985
- Le TopologueMarc Caro, 1988
- Maitre CubeMarc Caro, 1985
- As If Memories Could Deceive MeMarcel Odenbach, 1990
- As If Memories Could Deceive MeMarcel Odenbach, 1986
- Gardel EternoMarcos López, 1988
- Todos los Hombres Son MortalesMaria Civale, 1988
- El SacoMario Gomes Moreno, 1990
- Barrio BelenMarité Ugas, 1988
- Between Form and IllusionMasaki Fujihata, 1989
- BrasiconoscópioMauro Giuntini , 1990
- La MotoMercedes Marro, 1990
- The World of PhotographyMichael Smith , William Wegman, 1986
- FemmesMichäel Gaumnitz, 1987
- PortraitsMichäel Gaumnitz, 1987
- KormoranyMiroslaw Emil Koch, 1990
- Mane Tekel FareMiroslaw Emil Koch, 1990
- Point of ViewNaoko Tosa, 1989
- Vaqueros NovosNaria Monjerrer, 1990
- Lenin's Foot in The DoorNeils Comholt, 1989
- Straight to The PointNisim Tahar, Uri Milles, 1989
- TahitiPablo Dotta, 1990
- Viva la Revolu...Pablo Dotta, 1988
- Eloge de L'Ichonographie - Hommage Magnetique a Michel SerresPatrick Zanoli, 1990
- Kraho - Os Filhos da TerraPaulo Baroukh, 1990
- Outras PanorâmicasPaulo Von Poser, Sergio Roizenblit, 1989
- Atlanta Pedro Garhel, 1986
- ProtesisPedro Garhel, 1988
- NEO GEO: An American PurchasePeter Callas, 1989
- Night's High Noon; an Anti-TerrainPeter Callas, 1988
- A TV Dante - Cantos 1-8Peter Greenaway, 1989
- Tony de PeltriePierre Lachapelle
- Tinc Fam de TuPilar Sanz, 1990
- The Father and His Three SonsPéter Forgács, 1989
- 0 Rafael Boguslawski, 1989
- Para Onde Vamos?Regina Rheda, 1989
- Dias de EuforiaRita Moreira
- Nord ExpressRob Rombout, 1990
- Cartes Postales (extrato)Robert Cahen, 1986
- Dernier AdieuRobert Cahen, 1988
- As Crianças de LhangueneRodrigo Gonçalves, 1990
- Graúna BarrocaRonaldo Barbosa, 1989
- Canal Ambiental de MusicaRosa Méndez, 1989
- IdeoRosa Méndez, 1988
- Mostra Informativa: Espanha1990
- VideocabinesSandra Kogut, 1990
- Videocabines são caixas pretasSandra Kogut, 1990
- What Do You Think People Think Brazil Is?Sandra Kogut, 1990
- Criança da Favela Joga Xadrez?Sergio Sbragia
- O Inglês que o Brasil vêSergio Sbragia, 1990
- Qui voit OuessantSéverine Vermersch, 1989
- A Sangue frioTV Viva, 1989
- O Pacote da CruzéliaTV Viva, 1990
- SpSPsp 2Tadeu Jungle, TVDO, 1990
- Bio SensorTakashi Furumoto, 1988
- Audio-Visual PortraitTamar Raban
- EvolTony Oursler, 1984
- Open Your EyesTsuyoshi Suzuki, 1990
- Pedra PodreUzina Vídeo, 1980
- The Making Of..."The Imaginary Invalid" in New YorkValéria Burgos, 1990
- Passing onVera Neubauer, 1988
- Lágrimas al DesayunoWalter Rojas, 1988
- Monoloog Van Fumo Ikeda Op Het Einde Van Ottone OttoneWalter Verdin, 1989
- De Bona Caro NomeWerner Schumann, Willy Schumann, 1980
- Two MusiciansYigal Perry
- Ecology OceanYoichiro Kawaguchi, 1987
- OriginYoichiro Kawaguchi, 1985
- TempterYoichiro Kawaguchi, 1989
- L'OrchestreZbigniew Rybczyński, 1990