Ney Piacentini and Marlio Silva created a vignette-character who toyed meta-linguistically with video and TV, in an exercise based on the daily lives of industry professionals. ‘Minhoca’ (Earthworm) was a cameraman who had stayed a beginner for several years. His enemy: the TV director. His girlfriend: his loyal camera ‘Sonya.’ His dream: marrying the leading actress. 

Project: Marlio Silva e Ney Piacentini
Production: Tatiana Calvo Barbosa
Direction: Fernando Meirelles
Text: Marlio Silva
Interpretation: Ney Piacentini
Direction of photography: Leonardo Crescenti
Edition: Estevão Nunes Tutu
Co-production: Imagem Vídeo e Audiovisual, VideoImagem Comunicações, Olhar Eletrônico, CasaBlanca Cine - VT

