Journalist, art critic and director of the Faculty of Philosophy, Communication, Letters and Arts at PUC-SP. Co-author of Histórias das Exposições, Casos Exemplares (EDUC, 2016), and author of Pina Bausch (Edições Sesc, 2018), among others. His talk will address the geopolitical concept of the Global South based on the exhibition of works that have marked the last editions of Videobrasil.

Discussing the archive is a cycle of ten meetings that activate the 40-Year Special exhibition and deepen the interpretation of its contents. Artists, curators, researchers and critics who have collaborated or participated in different editions of the event comment on specific periods in its history and video production in the Global South. The debates draw from the exhibition of works from the Videobrasil Historical Collection chosen by the guests, and will be followed by talks addressing essential aspects of each decade represented in the exhibition.

Debaters |